Friday, 18 February 2011

Thursday, 17 February 2011

My actual Website

Here I am including a series of print screens of all my pages with summaries of the decisions and choices I made whilst creating them.

(Please note that in order to display each page on this blog I had to upload each image by print screening parts of them cropping them in a word document, then finally pasting them in paint and saving them as JPEG's therefore they are not really clear or completely exact examples of what is shown on my website).

Monday, 7 February 2011

Images that I have not taken myself:

I realise that part of the task that I have choosen is to only use original images, video and audio extract. But as I am creating a website for a fashion TV channel, I have struggled with finiding ways to produce images, that are appropraite for the pages such as DESIGNERS, FASHION WEEK e.t.c. As these two particular pages are very difficult to take photo's for, most obviously because I do not have any access to actual Designer's so I cannot take portraits of them or their collections (a task which would literally be impossible). FASHION WEEK is also an extremely difficult topic to take photos for, due to the fact that again I do not have access to fashion week, therefore to resolve this I have decided to take jewellery photo's for the fashion week page, which I have accompanied with some text claiming that they are the new trends from the s/S'11 Shows. I have not found a way to combat the Designer photo problem without using existing images, so I have used four photographs of either the designer's themselves, their work or their shows. I have only used these images for the new talent section of my site. I did think about also using images from the internet for the established designer page, however I decided against this as I didn't want to get lots of marks deducted for using too many images that are not original.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Changes in the design of my website

My original aim was to create the website with a grey colour scheme with some bright fuscia pink font, however I completed this and my website just didn't look professional enough. I then made the decision to experiment with different backgrounds e.t.c. I went for a white background with a few grey boarders to brake up the white. As soon as I changed this I was happy with the result and I definitely think that my website looks much more professional with this colour scheme; it allows the writting, photo's and links to stand out and be read with ease. I have added splashes of colour to liven up some of the links.

I have also slightly altered the page links so that they are now a more subtle grey, but I have kept the font so that it turns fuscia when clicked on and the the subpages so that the font still turns lime green.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Listings Magazine

-1st page

- 2nd Page

This is my final Design for my 2-page spread focusing on the channels launch (for a listings magazine). I have displayed it fully below, however due to the image size restrictions on blogger I have had to printscreen and save smaller sections of the pages so that the writting can be read easily on this blog.

The writting that I have used for the main bulk of the article is also what I have wrote on my Welcome page for my channel, however I have altered the words slightly so it is more suitable for the channels launch.

  • I have also included a small list of all the programmes to be shown on the channel

  • A small piece of information about the designer files programme

  • And a quote that I made up by Alexandra Shulman (editor of British Vogue)

I have kept the colours true to the ones that I have used on my website: fuscia pink, mid grey, black and white. I have also included images that I have included on my website, which I think is a good idea as then all of my media work looks slightly similar and linked together.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Website software changes:

I have now decided against carrying on using Dreamweaver to make my website for my Fashion TV Channel, because as I have created a lot of the hyperlinked pages as templates I am unaware as to how to link them altogether to create my site. As I was unsure about this and I found the software fairly difficult to work with as I have never used it before, I made the decision that i did not want to carry on any further with this site, because I feared that I would finish it all and then I wouldn't be able to link the pages to make it an actual 'website'. Some other people in the media group were using the site called Moonfruit, which is free if you are under a particular amount of megabites, I therefore thought that this would be an ideal choice to create my website by.

My former website made on Dreamweaver

These are some examples of the pages from my Dreamweaver website, which I decided not to carry on with anymore as I was worried about being able to create the link at the end.